Our Championship Show is held in February. As the first Championship Show of the year, it is well supported by exhibitors.
Everyone is welcome at all our shows, but only entered dogs allowed within the show venue unless registered with the secretary as a spectator dog on arrival.
Saturday 8th February 2025
Entries will be available online via Fosse Data
Bitches: STRKCC
Referee: STRKCC
The Kennel Club Building,
Stoneleigh Park,
Kenilworth CV8 2LZ
​Children must be supervised by their parents. Please do not trespass on any part of the grounds outside of the Show area. Your consideration in these matters will be greatly appreciated.
Midland Collie Centenary Show - Dog Critique
10th February 2024
Firstly I would like to thank the Midland Collie Club Committee for their invitation to judge the Centenary Show at the Kennel Club Halls. A nice entry of males awaited me of mixed quality. On a continental judging system the standard would between a level of excellent to good. There was a variation of head types and expressions, ears tended to be wide or low set in many cases. Also good length of necks were in short supply and body proportions were not of the ideal ratio. Tails is where I feel there is a need be a big improvement. Generally tails were of sufficient length with few short tails but tails were high set and not carried correctly when moving. I feel a high carried tail spoils the outline of the dog when moving. It is a fault which can be corrected with good breeding selection.
Probably the biggest problem which confronts the breeders and exhibitors is the movement which has been a problem that has bugged the breed for many decades. We have many handlers in Italy who show Collies and are able to get them to move with a good reach and drive. This is due to a number of factors, 1 good selection of breeding lines of correct construction, 2 correct weight, Collie movement is always better if an ideal weight is maintained, 3 Also start your puppy on the lead at 2 months and maintain that lead work throughout its show career.
I feel the Collie does not have the active energy that you find in other breeds. There is always a need to work with your dogs that applies in the handling which would help in the presentation of the dogs to get better results.
I was pleased with my line up on the whole with a certain similarity in type which is what i was looking for. All shown in good coat and condition which made my decisions difficult. There were a number of subjects worthy of the CC.
Veteran Dog 9
1) Ch Jugband Blues Du Clos De Sea-Wind Blue Merle of masculine size shown in excellent form of good colour, Head of correct proportions, nice eye and expression, ears could have been used better. Good bone and substance sound mover. BV in Show.
2)Sh Mejola Fate and Fortune Blue Merle shown in excellent form well broken colour .Lovely shape standing with good reach of neck, neat ears, showed well, pleasing eye and expression, failed in head type for me. Sound mover. Res Best Verteren
3) Ambartr King of the Rings
Minor Puppy 8
1) Paulara Perfect Addition with Gerian. 7mth youngster with instant appeal, super head of correct proportions, lovely eye and expression, neat ears, showed well, a lovely picture, good reach of neck and body proportions, tail length correct and carried correctly when moved. Sound mover. BPDog.
2)Avonfair Aloysius. 7mth. A mature youngster for the age, balanced head with correct stop, nice eye and expression, neat ears, showed well, sufficient reach of neck, good shape standing with correct body proportions, good coat, moved well.
3)Mejola Top Gun
Puppy 2
1)Prince of Sunlight Thrilled by the Difference at Gataj. Promising type of good size and substance, nice shape standing with good neck, balanced head, correct stop, nice eye and expression, good coat, needs to improve in movement. Res Best Puppy Dog
2) Hanvale Ralph Lauren Promising youngster well presented needs more ring work and the handler to gain more experience but he improved in his other class. Good construction, nice shape standing, pleasing head properties, eye and expression, sound in movement but room for improvement.
Junior Dog 6
1)Lynmead Royal Lover. 15mth Young male who caught my eye on entering the ring. My type, of good size and substance shown in super form. Lovely shape standing with good neck, ideal body proportions, head clean wedge shape of correct proportions and stop, flat skull, lovely eye and expression, correct ear placement, sound mover, needs a little more ring confidence. One who is destined to the upper house. RCC
2 ) Didek Once in a Blue Moon, merle of good colour, pleasing head eye and expression, ears could be better placed, good shape standing with sufficient neck, tail of correct length, movement sound, handling could be a little better.
3 ) Siluto Blue Wizzard
Special Yearling Dog 12
1) Corydon The Baron. 19mth quality eye catching young male, lovely shape standing with good reach of neck with good body proportions and top line, correct tail length, shoulder and hindquarters, pleasing head, eye expression and neat ears would like a cleaner stop, showed well sound mover. One destined for bigger things.
2 ) Gataj Turn Back Time. S/w of excellent type, one of nice shape standing, balanced head, correct stop, flat skull, lovely eye and expression, neat ears showed well, good neck and body proportions, good coat, well presented, moved soundly.
3 )Triburle Blue Bolero.
Maiden Dog 6
1) Avon fair Aloysius
2)Hanvale Ralph Lauren
See previous comments.
Novice Dog 2
1)Avonfair Aloysius
2) Hanvale Ralph Lauren
See previous comments
Graduate Dog 3
1) Amalie a Chance to Shine, male of good size, a very nice type with a
nice outline when standing with good neck and length of body, good chest and spring of rib. Masculine head with correct stop, well filled muzzle and under jaw. Presented in sufficient form, moved soundly.
2 )Libanel Erebus Eternal Love. Tricolour of good quality showing well, pleasing shape standing, balanced head of correct proportions, nice dark eye and pleasing expression, showed well, would a little more bone and substance, needs to improve in body and tighten in movement, good character a little happy with his tail.
Post Graduate Dog 5
1 )Jopium Love on the Rocks. Appealing tri of good bone and substance shown in excellent form, balanced head of correct proportions and stop, neat ears showed well, would like a little more neck, good body proportions covered with a black harsh coat, moved soundly.
2 )Barrenclough Diamond Skies S/W balanced head with correct stop and flat skull, well pleasing eye and expression, ears placed a little low set, showed well, good reach of neck and length of body, good bone and substance, coat of good texture and colour movement sound.
3) Ladnar Dreamchaser
Mid Limit 3
1) Lynmead Famous Lover. Appealing s/w not in the maximum form today but presented well, clean head, correct stop, flat skull, lovely eye and expression, correctly placed ears, good overall shape and body proportions, correct tail length, sound mover.
2) Essanjay Against All Odds
Tri in good order of good bone and substance shown in good coat, head a little strong, pleasing eye and expression, ears could be set a little better, tail set a little high and would prefer better hindquarter angulation, moved soundly.
Limit Dog 10
1) Chantique Magical Mystery, shaded sable of excellent quality and construction, masculine head of correct proportions correct stop, eye expression, ears showed well, good chest and body of correct proportions, solid topline standing and moving, tail of correct length and carried correctly when moving. I considered him for the top awards.
2) Kourika You'll For Me. liked this tri very much, it was a tight decision with the first, masculine head, clean lines, well filled muzzle, correct stop, flat skull, lovely dark eye and expression, ears shown well, nice shape standing but would like a little more neck, good body shape when standing with good bone, substance and feet, covered with a dense black coat, moved soundly.
3) Hanvale Arthur Shelby with Damos.
Open Dog 12
1 )No More Heroes Du Clos De Sea-Wind
Gold s/w instantly appealed to me on entering the ring showed all his qualities to the maximum. Lovely shape standing showing off a lovely outline with good reach of neck, correct front, ideal body proportions, correct top line when standing and moving, correct tail set which carried correctly on the move. His head qualities completed the picture with lovely eye and expression and correctly set ears to give me that type i like. Moved soundly and i was pleased to award him his 2nd CC.
2))Very Special Angel Silvestre at Gataj Male of good size shown in good coat and condition similar type to 1, balanced head, correct stop, neat ears, eye and expression, good neck, would have have liked more length of body, tail set a little high and could be carried better when moving and in the challenge for the Res CC was carried very bad, movement could be more positive.
3 )Riverside Song Xplorer of Hearts
Judge - Alan Jones